Budgeting for the future: Building another Europe European economic policies from a civil society perspective


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This publication puts forward a critical civil society outlook on the 2007/2013 Financial Perspectives.

About budgeting for the future: building another europe

Publication type

Budgeting for the Future, Building another Europe, edited by Sbilanciamoci!, puts forward a critical civil society outlook on the 2007/2013 Financial Perspectives. In order to achieve this goal Sbilanciamoci! decided to create a civil society network, with a European dimension, guaranteeing full expertise on the different topics and issues listed in the Multiannual Financial Framework's headings. The opening of the book is dedicated to two different approaches concerning the Treaty of Lisbon. Featuring Birdlife, Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale (CRBM), CEE Bankwatch, Compass, Coordination Paysanne Européenne (CPE), Counterbalance Campaign, EuroMemorandum Group, European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN), European Network Against Racism (ENAR), European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), Eurostep, Farmsubsidy.org, Friends of the Earth, Lunaria, Magistratura Democratica, Obessu, Seattle to Brussels Network, Transnational Institute, Unione degli Studenti, WWF European Policy Office



Why this book?

The Reform Treaty

Treaty of Lisbon: the Reform Treaty, by Giuseppe Bronzini (Magistratura Democratica) From “constitution” to “reform” or from bad to worse Susan George - Chair of Transnational Institute

Overall issues

The European Budget in tips Teresa Maisano - Sbilanciamoci! EU Budget and transparency Jack Thurston - Farmsubsidy.org Reforming the budget, reforming the revenues Tommaso Rondinella, Sbilanciamoci!

Heading 1 - Sustainable Growth

Research, technology and innovation to the Community Budget Pietro Maffettone, Tommaso Rondinella and Anna Villa - Lunaria EU Social Agenda and Lisbon Strategy Marica Frangakis - EuroMemorandum Group Why is education fundamental? Valeria Carrieri - Unione degli Studenti/OBESSU Trans European Networks for Integration and Growth in the Extended European Union Anelia Stefanova - CEE Bankwatch Structural funds and the fight against poverty. Beyond competitiveness, how to work towards social inclusion? Elodie Fazi - Policy Officer, European Anti-Poverty Network EU Structural and Cohesion funds and their impact on climate Anelia Stefanova - Transport Coordinator, CEE Bankwatch Martin Konecny - Coordinator for EU Funds, Friends of the Earth Europe Promoting sustainable development in Europe through regional funds Stefanie Lang - EU Cohesion Policy and Regional Funding, WWF European policy Office

Heading 2 - Preservation and Management of Natural Resources

The CAP - the Elephant in the EU budget room Ariel Brunner & Konstantin Kreiser - Birdlife International Agriculture and Rural Development Gérard Chopin - Chair of Coordination Paysanne Européenne (CPE) Putting an end to harmful fisheries subsidies Markus Knigge - European Marine Programme Officer, WWF European Policy Office

Heading 3 - Citizenship, Freedom, Security and Justice

Heading 3a - Justice, Freedom and Security Luciano Scagliotti - European Network Against Racism (ENAR) From Youth to intergenerational programmes Sergio Andreis - Lunaria Public Health and the European Union Caroline Bollars - European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)

Heading 4 - EU as a Global Partner

Europe’s global responsibility: the centrality of its development policy Simon Stocker - Director of Eurostep The new “Global Europe” strategy of the EU: serving corporations worldwide and at home Seattle to Brussels Network Aid for Trade: is cooperation serving trade? Roberto Sensi - Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale (CRBM)

Outside the Budget, Inside European Policies

Europeanizing corporate taxation to regain national tax policy autonomy Christian Kellermann, Thomas Pixen & Susanne Uhl - Compass The European Investment Bank Caterina Amicucci - CRBM, Counterbalance Campaign The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Anelia Stefanova - CEE Bankwatch


What we would like after - New Challenges and New Ideas

Acronyms The Civil Society Organizations Sbilanciamoci!