Reclaim People's Security From National Security to Global Security: Counter-terrorism in Asia and Europe

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TNI Briefing Series 5
>>Download PDF (339 KB) In world horrified by the September 11 terrorist attack in New York,US President George W.Bush called for the setting up of an international "coalition against terrorism". Simultaneously, September 11 was also the occasion, which justified the US to activate its strategy for global dominance and empire - a strategy that was already formulated well before September 11 by such think tanks as the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). This strategy brought together the destabilizing intersection of neo-liberal globalisation and militarisation and provided the US led "coalition against terrorism" with the twin doctrines of aggressive pre-emptive strike, such as we have witnessed on Iraq nd the notion of global security regime where human and civil rights are drastically curtailed and suspended. This TNI Briefing examines the emerging global security regime, particularly in its fall-out in Asia and Europe.It also analyses how this security regime has led to a global interlocking system of repressive laws and militarisation and has resulted in a sustained ssault on the UN human rights system. The Afghanistan war, the conditions of prisoners of war in Guantanamo Bay,nd most recently the Bush-Blair unilateralism in launching war on Iraq have delivered severe body blows to the established framework of international law and to the UN system. While this dangerous geopolitical conjuncture has swept aside all accountability to international law, millions of people have mobilised their protest in the biggest-ever global peace movement and human rights organisations and activists have mounted sustained campaigns against the unprecedented rollback of human rights. But these movements and networks are not only protesting and resisting. They are also addressing the most urgent challenge of this era - how to develop alternatives to neoliberal globalisation and militarism which will put people's security, peace,equity and human rights at the centre of the international agenda.
  • Editorial
  • National Security & the Roots of Repression in Asia
    • The Colonial Legacy
    • The Shadow of the Cold War
  • National Security & Post World war II in Europe
    • Emerging Powers in France and the UK
    • The Aftermath of Dictatorship in Southern Europe
    • Surveillance of Dissent in Germany
  • Global Security & The Impact of September 11
    • Interlocking Global Security Regime
    • The EU Common Approach
    • The Asian Balancing Act
    • Europe and Asia: The Betreyal of Human Rights
  • People's Security under Attack
    • Reclaiming the People's Security Agenda
  • References and Bibliography