Successful Experiences in Municipal Public Water and Sanitation Services from Brazil

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The book presents twenty examples of successful public water delivery in large and small, wealthy and poor municipalities across Brazil.

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About successful experiences in municipal public water and sanitation services from brazil

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  • Silvano Silvéiro da Costa
  • Leo Heller
  • Luiz Roberto Santos Moraes
  • Patrícia Campos Borja
  • Carlos Henrique de Melo
  • Denise Sacco

This is a translation of Experiências de Êxito em Serviços Públicos Municipais de Saneamento, published by ASSEMAE (Associação Nacional dos Serviços Municipais de Saneamento), June 2006.

The book presents twenty examples of successful public water delivery in large and small, wealthy and poor municipalities across Brazil. The city of Porto Alegre is already known around the world for its use of participatory budgeting and other democratic reforms to achieve universal access to clean water. The book shows that similar approaches are used in many other cities in Brazil and in many cases have led to rapid expansion of access to water and sanitation for the poorest communities.

Examples are the city of Alagoinhas (140,000 inhabitants) in the poor north-east of Brazil and Santo Andre (670,000 inhabitants) in the industrial region around Sao Paolo. The cases in the book, selected by a group of water sector specialists following strict criteria, show that public water utilities can achieve universal access, also in very difficult socio-economic circumstances. Key features of the successes presented in the book are a strong political will to improve public water delivery and, importantly, "social control": reforms that boost citizen's involvement and democratic control over public services.

"Successful Experiences in Municipal Public Water and Sanitation Services from Brazil" is published by ASSEMAE, the federation of more than 1,700 public water and sanitation companies from municipalities from across Brazil.

Successful Experiences in Municipal Public Sanitation Services from Brazil

English Version

Co-ordinated by: Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), Transnational Institute (TNI),  World Development Movement (WDM)

Click the individual chapters to download the pdf.