Sustainable Energy Alternative Proposals to Mercosur

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Gerardo Honty
The present text is a brief summary of the book "Energía, Ambiente y Desarrollo en el Mercosur" (Energy, Environment and Development in the Mercosur) published in Spanish in Montevideo in January 2002, with the support of the Energy Project and CLAES. The criteria for the selection of texts included in this summary was to privilege those chapters devoted to alternative energy policies, giving lesser relevance to theoretical and assessment inputs. The above mentioned publication is framed within a broader project being developed by CLAES and CEUTA under the title of "Sustainability 2025," an initiative endeavouring to design sustainable development strategies for a new regional integration in the Mercosur. The purpose of this exercise was to project expected energy growth to the year 2025, and identify feasible alternative and efficient potential energy sources with the aim of demonstrating the possibility of sustainable energy development. Download PDF