Profit Before People and Human Rights European Transnational Corporations in Latin America and the Caribbean

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The report exposes the role of EU institutions in constructing a complex political and legal architecture which allows European transnational companies to operate with impunity in the region.

About profit before people and human rights

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This report chronicles the systematic viloations of human rights in sevaral sectors of the economy – labour conditions, genetically modified seeds, people’s health, destruction of the environment and the life source of indigeneous peoples as well as the expulsion of communities from their land in the interests of mining, oil extraction and agribusiness.

The Report also exposes the role of the EU institutions and policies in constructing a complex political and legal architecture which allows European TNCs to operate with impunity. It also challenges the inadequacy of the current voluntary approaches represented by the UN Global Compact and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in regulating the power of TNCs. The Report concludes with a call for binding new initiatives on the part of the United Nations Human Rights Council and urges the setting up of an International Tribunal to judge economic and environmental crimes, to which affected communities and individuals can turn as legitimate plaintiffs.

The Report will be presented and debated during the "Business and Human Rights” Consultation being organised at the UN on October 5-6 by Mr. John Ruggie, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General.

Pages: 10