
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. The Arab Uprisings A decade of struggles

    • Middle East and North Africa
    • Arab Uprisings
    • New Politics
    Book by
    • Hamza Hamouchene
    • Miriyam Aouragh
    • Adam Hanieh
    • Ghassen Ben Khelifa
    • Mostafa Bassiouny
    • Anne Alexander
    • Ali Amouzai
    • Rafeef Ziadah
    • Yasser Munif
    • Muzan Alneel
    • Zahra Ali
    • Rima Majed
    • Laleh Khalili
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  2. Climate Collateral How military spending accelerates climate breakdown

    • Climate Security
    • Climate Crisis
    Report by
    • Mark Akkerman
    • Deborah Burton
    • Nick Buxton
    • Ho-Chih Lin
    • Muhammed Al-Kashef
    • Wendela de Vries
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  3. Funding for profit & multistakeholderism How the private sector took over global climate talks against the people and the planet

    Report by
    • Kenneth Haar
    • Gonzalo Berrón
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  4. Corporate capture of the Latin American medical cannabis market

    Publication by
    Paulo José dos Reis Pereira
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  5. Making municipal power work mPOWER Project: Results and impacts

    • Remunicipalisation
    • Democratic Public Services
    Publication by
    • Lavinia Steinfort
    • James Angel
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  6. Building public power Municipal manual for energy transitions

    • Remunicipalisation
    • Democratic Public Services
    Report by
    • James Angel
    • Lavinia Steinfort
    Publication date:
    Building public power: Cover image showing people's hands
  7. Cannabis and Climate The carbon footprint and energy use of indoor cultivation

    • Cannabis
    • Climate Crisis
    • Just Transition
    Policy briefing
    Publication date:
    Cover image blue
  8. Livestock, climate and the politics of resources A primer

    • Climate Crisis
    • Food Sovereignty
    • Land Sovereignty
    Primer by
    Ian Scoones
    Publication date:
    Cover Livestock primer
  9. ISDS in Nigeria Investment Regime Reforms and the threats of joining the ECT

    Investment Protection
    Report by
    • Bettina Müller
    • Cecilia Olivet
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  10. From Crisis to Transformation What is Just Transition?

    • Just Transition
    • Climate Crisis
    • Anti-racism
    Primer by
    • Kali Akuno
    • Katie Sandwell
    • Lyda Fernanda Forero
    • Jaron Browne
    Publication date:
    Cover orange, white title