
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. ISDS in Mexico A portrait of transnational power in Mexico the investment protection regime and its consequences

    Investment Protection
    Report by
    • Bettina Müller
    • Manuel Pérez-Rocha
    • Cecilia Olivet
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  2. Digital Capitalism 6 week essential course for activists to understand how digitalisation is shaping our world

    Digital Futures
    Publication by
    • Nick Buxton
    • Sofia Scasserra
    Publication date:
  3. Saving the Triple Lock The Neutrality Hawks v. The Government of Ireland

    Policy briefing by
    Niamh Ní Bhriain
    Publication date:
    cover image
  4. Who Owns Power in the Energy Transition Evaluating deregulation and public-private partnerships of public energy utilities in 5 international geographies

    Report by
    • Patrick Robbins
    • Johanna Bozuwa
    • Alex Lenferna
    • Daniel Chavez
    • Chris Hayes
    • Melanie Brusseler
    • Anne Debregeas
    Publication date:
    cover image
  5. Niobium and the EU Green Dreams or War Machines?

    • Bilateral Investment Treaties
    • Just Transition
    • Climate Crisis
    Policy briefing by
    • Lucía Bárcena
    • Mads Barbesgaard
    • Steve Rolf
    • Julian Germann
    • Joseph Baines
    • Sean Kenji Starrs
    • Alexander Lurz
    • Philip Steeg
    • Cristian Trujillo
    Publication date:
    cover image
  6. Climate in the Crosshairs The planetary impact of NATO’s spending increases

    • Climate Security
    • Climate Crisis
    • Militarism
    Issue brief
    Publication date:
  7. Annual report 2023

    Annual report
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  8. Ocean, Water and Fisher Peoples’ Tribunals Cutting the nets of capital and weaving nets of solidarity

    Fisheries and Fisher peoples
    Issue brief by
    • Paula Satizábal
    • Arnau Quinquillà
    • Maíra Franco
    • Carsten Pedersen
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  9. Transforming the Non-Military Structures of Global Governance Assessing Priorities for Chapter 5 of the Pact for the Future

    Paper by
    Harris Gleckman
    Publication date:
    Cover image
  10. How Corporate Courts Threaten Our Future Global ISDS Tracker

    Investment Protection
    Online report
    Publication date:
    Cover image