
In the State of Power Podcast we introduce you to some of the fascinating people we work with to help you make sense of the world’s most complex challenges. In this podcast we share our research, explore alternatives to the status quo and give a platform to scholars and activists who are at the forefront of the fight against the current neoliberal order.

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  1. Coca Chronicles Issue #3 A Conversation on Coca with Wade Davis

    • Coca Leaf
    • Drug Law Reform
    Podcast by
    • Wade Davis
    • Shaun Matsheza
    Publication date:
  2. Building a Just Energy Transition in an Age of Corporate and Imperial Power Nick Buxton in Conversation with Thea Riofrancos, Ozzi Warwick, and Timothy Mitchell

    • State of Power
    • Just Transition
    • Energy Democracy
    Podcast by
    • Thea Riofrancos
    • Ozzi Warwick
    • Timothy Mitchell
    • Nick Buxton
    Publication date:
  3. Breaking Big Pharma and Big Tech, Global Debt and Race Politics, and the End of Borders In Conversation with Arun Kundnani

    • COVID-19
    • Debt
    • Border Wars
    • Digital Futures
    Podcast by
    • Arun Kundnani
    • Shaun Matsheza
    Publication date:
  4. Ecofeminism (2): Towards an Ecofeminist Energy Future Lavinia Steinfort in Conversation with Shannon Bell, Cara Daggett, and Christine Labuski

    Just Transition
    Podcast by
    • Shannon Bell
    • Cara Daggett
    • Christine Labuski
    • Lavinia Steinfort
    Publication date:
  5. Ecofeminism (1): A Powerful Vision Lavinia Steinfort in Conversation with Dr. Vandana Shiva

    Just Transition
    Podcast by
    • Vandana Shiva
    • Lavinia Steinfort
    Publication date:
  6. Why We Need to Abolish Borders Arun Kundnani in Conversation with Harsha Walia

    Border Wars
    Podcast by
    • Harsha Walia
    • Arun Kundnani
    Publication date:
  7. Why we need to break Big Pharma's Power before the next Pandemic hits Arun Kundnani in Conversation with Mohga Kamal-Yanni

    • COVID-19
    • Stop Corporate Impunity
    Podcast by
    • Mohga Kamal-Yanni
    • Arun Kundnani
    Publication date:
  8. How popular movements can topple Big Tech monopolies In Conversation with Cory Doctorow

    • State of Power
    • Digital Futures
    Podcast by
    • Cory Doctorow
    • Nick Buxton
    • Shaun Matsheza
    Publication date:
  9. Will There Be Another Debt Crisis? Current economic challenges facing the Global South

    • Debt
    • Finance
    • COVID-19
    Podcast by
    • Arun Kundnani
    • Jomo Kwame Sundaram
    Publication date:
  10. How the World’s Tax Havens became the Data Centres for the Digital Economy In conversation with Sofia Scassera

    Digital Futures
    Podcast by
    • Sofia Scasserra
    • Shaun Matsheza
    Publication date: