History in Action - Part 2 1990-2000 - A counter history by the Transnational Institute



Publication date:
1:08:32 minutes

History in Action Part 2 dives into the 1990s, focusing on the impact of the Cold War's end, the rise of neoliberalism, the emergence of the Alter-Globalization Movement, and the history of TNI's drugs and democracy programme. Key figures and activists explore significant shifts in global politics, the consolidation of U.S. imperial power, and the resistance of social movements: from the rise of progressive alternatives to the struggle against corporate power and neoliberal trade regimes.

Narrator: Shaun Matsheza 

Interviews conducted by: Denis Burke, Daria Gorshenina and Shaun Matsheza 

Music: Aleksey Chistilin

Interviews with: Susan George, Hilary Wainwright, Walden Bello, Martin Jelsma, Gonzalo Berrón, John Cavanagh, Achin Vanaik, Lyda Fernanda Forero, Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Jun Borras, Fiona Dove
Archival audio with: John Berger, Isabel Letelier, Orlando Letelier, Eqbal Ahmad, Basker Vashee, Fred Halliday

With thanks to the International Institute for Social History in Amsterdam