Fisheries and Fisher peoples Empowering Fisher Peoples: Defending Rights and Sustainable Fisheries

Topic category

Land, Sea and Food

The complexities within international, regional, and local fisheries policies mirror resource grabbing trends seen elsewhere in recent years. Surprisingly, public awareness of these issues remains limited. A pressing crisis looms over marine and aquatic resources, with most policies sidelining small-scale fishers, whose livelihoods depend on these waters. At TNI, we tackle this challenge on multiple fronts. We shed light on policies that negatively impact small-scale fishers and the environment, partnering with movements to formulate insightful analyses. Our mission involves defending the rights of these fisher communities and ensuring their presence in crucial policy-making spaces. Join us in advocating for equitable and sustainable fisheries practices, preserving the future of our oceans and the well-being of fisher peoples.


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The Case for Community Supported Fisheries


Mads Barbesgaard in Conversation with Thibault Josse

Many coastal communities depend on the oceans for their sustenance, and as the oceans become more and more an arena for capitalist expansion, their way of life is under constant threat of extinction.

49:10 - Listen


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