Call for papers: The future of food and challenges for agriculture in the 21st century Debates about who, how and with what social, economic and ecological implications we will feed the world.


A call for papers and proposals for workshops as part of the annual colloquium on food and agriculture to be held in 2017 April 24th / 26th in Basque Country. 

Abstract submission deadline: Jan 30 2017

With the intention of deepening our analysis of the food system in the coming decades, this event will address various dimensions of food and delve into the realities and challenges to provide insights into the future. The issue of food is complex and touches many aspects of our lives.

This colloquium aims to be a space to discuss this complexity and bring together perspectives from different sectors (the peasantry, fishing, public institutions and research, etc.) to enrich the debate. The challenge of how to feed the world is a historical debate, but the novelty of this meeting is intended to go beyond the mere question whether it is possible or not.

Here, the idea is to go into the details of how it is being done at present; what practices are currently taking place and with what consequences; how is the vision of food sovereignty being put into practice; what can we learn from the interrelated experiences with activism and research on the food system that seek to define our future path.

Given the gravity of the economic, ecological and social crises shaping and being shaped by the global food system today, it is necessary to analyze the current context. However, the goal in this colloquium is to channel the force of these analyzes to better understand the steps we need to take into the future.

Food sovereignty is the most developed proposal for an alternative food system to date, but there is still much to understand about how to "operationalize" the concept. Ten years have passed since the declaration of Nyeleni where the six pillars of food sovereignty were articulated, marking an important step towards putting ideas into practice.

These six pillars have helped bring the concept to life and have shown the breadth of topics and areas involved in the transformation that La Via Campesina and allies are proposing with this idea.

This colloquium will take up these issues, according to the thematic axes laid out below. (please refer to the attached document for more detail)  

In each axis the focus will always remain on the concrete steps that are being taken towards transformation

  • Capitalism, class, agriculture, livestock and fisheries.
  • Climate Change and convergences.
  • Models of development in the context of flows of capital, goods and people.
  • Access and control over the means of production.
  • Consumption, health, nutrition and the Right to Food.
  • Movements for Food Sovereignty.

Sent an abstract for the paper you will prepare about one (or a combination) of the 6 thematic axes described above, to be presented at the colloquium. Or send a proposal for an entire panel (4‐6 abstracts and an overall concept note) Conference papers should not exceed 10,000 words and will be published on the Colloquium website 3 weeks before the even

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: Jan 30 2017

Workshop proposal submission deadline: Feb 15 2017

Confirmation/acceptance of abstracts and workshops: Feb. 28 2017

Final paper submission deadline: Mar 20 2017

Registrations and submissions should be sent to the following email address:

Colloquium 2017 call for papers (PDF, 242.73 KB)
Tiempo medio de lectura: 5 min minutos*