Media Review 2018

1/5/18: Le Monde'Légalisé, dépénalisé, prescrit… le cannabis dans le monde en neuf graphiques'

1/5/18: Open Democracy: 'Five economic issues to mobilise around in 2018'

1/2/18: Kashmir Life'A Great Man We Should Know'

1/14/18: The News on Sunday'A remarkable life'

1/15/18: Myanmar Business Today: 'Myanmar Has Not Signed an Investment Protection Agreement With EU'

1/23/18: Fast Company:'How The World Economic Forum Is Tackling The Dangers Of Big Tech'

1/26/18:ROAR Magazine 'Thinking freedom: achieving the impossible collectively'

2/4/18: Rappler '[OPINION] Train to nowhere?'

2/15/18:  Jakarta Globe'Reclaiming Vital Public Services in Indonesia, Is It Possible?'

2/22/18: 'Reclaiming public services'

2/22/18: The Jakarta Post 'Civil groups demand CEPA bring fair outcome'

3/2/18: BBC Mundo'Por qué la policía de Holanda cree que el país se está convirtiendo en un "narcoestado" y qué hay de cierto en ello'

3/6/18: Voice of America'New Drug Policy Aims to Eliminate Myanmar’s Drugs Scourge'

3/16/18: Open Democracy 'The rising tide for the democratic control of water in Barcelona'

3/22/18: Irish Times (Letters to the editor): 'Waste services and public control'

3/24/18: The Jakarta Post'EDITORIAL: Water for all in Jakarta'

3/23/18: Vermelho: Cidades de 33 países voltam a tratar água como bem público

3/24/18: Middle East Eye'REVEALED: Facebook data harvester's links to US and UK counter-extremism campaigns'

3/22/18: Neues Deutschland'Ein Angriff auf die Demokratie'

3/24/18: Il Manifesto (behind paywall): “Le privatizzazioni? La verità è che l’acqua sta tornando pubblica in tutto il mondo”

4/3/18: EVZ Romania'Concluzie ALARMANTĂ: Străinii au ajuns să EXPLOATEZE milioane de hectare de teren arabil românesc'

4/15/18: Washington Post'U.S. has been quietly helping Mexico with new, high-tech ways to fight opium'

4/17/18: Merce'A magyar rezsim a bizonyíték arra, hogy a kapitalizmus lehet mélyen autoriter'

5/12/18: The Daily Star'Yaba invasion -1: Hostage to Myanmar'

5/23/18: Euractiv'EU increases collaboration with authoritarian regimes to tackle migration'

5/20/18:'România, te iubesc: Ţara fără glie! Insula Mare a Brăilei, cea mai mare fermă agricolă din Europa, ar putea fi preluată de arabi'

5/18/18: Media Part:  'La politique d’externalisation des frontières de l’UE - Rapport'

5/16/18: De Wereld Morgen'EU heeft migratiebeleid uitbesteed aan autoritaire regimes, toont nieuw rapport'

5/15/18: Media Part'STOPPER le financement de l’UE pour l’industrie militaire israélienne (Cimade)'

5/10/18: EU Observer'Europe's solution to migration is to outsource it to Africa'

5/29/18: NRC'De wietteelt reguleren, dat kan. Maar man, wat is het moeilijk'

5/14/18: Mondiaal News'Hoe het Europees migratiebeleid de vluchtelingencrisis net verergert'

5/13/18: Ara'La UE envia tecnologia militar a dictadures per aturar la immigració'

5/27/18: La Vanguardia'Los populistas pasan cuentas a la UE'

5/29/18:  'Strache will über Personenfreizügigkeit diskutieren'

6/3/18: The Guardian'Don't turn to the military to solve the climate-change crisis'

6/13/18: Dawn'International arbitration treaty may be a trap for Pakistan'

6/13/18: De Wereld Morgen'"Zonder publiek eigendom geen gelijkheid, geen democratie": Andrew Cumbers op bezoek in Gent'

6/14/18: The Canary'Diane Abbott blasts ‘tainted’ Prevent policy during terror bill debate'

6/15/18: Arbejderen'FN's verdensmål: Neoliberalisme på nye flasker'

6/21/18: Telesur: 'Los TBI como dominación política'

6/26/18: Myanmar Times'Drug advocacy groups urge public to help drug users'

6/29/18: Smithsonian magazine'How Inca Mummies Helped a Soccer Player Who Was Banned from the World Cup'

7/2/18: Le Temps'Passer aux énergies renouvelables peut coûter à un pays très cher'

7/6/18: Myanmar Times: 'Kayah desperately needs reform: advocacy group'

7/9/18: Films for Action'Localization: a Strategic Alternative to Globalized Authoritarianism'

7/17/18: BBC Burmese: 'သိမ်းဆည်း လယ်မြေ ပြန်ပေးဖို့ လူ့အခွင့်အရေး အဖွဲ့ တိုက်တွန်း'

7/19/18: The Nation'In the Age of Disaster Capitalism, Is ‘Survival Socialism’ the Solution?'

7/7/18: Ara'Europa subcontracta dictadures per blindar les seves fronteres'

8/5/18: Truth Out'Battle for Water Rights Heats Up in El Salvador'

8/13/18: US News'Myanmar's Meth Menace'

8/13/18: Mondiaal News‘This is a war for land, Romania is the battlefield’

9/2/18: Rappler '[OPINION] Duterte and Israel: Why visit a rogue state?'

9/10/18: Mondiaal News'De burger doet meer dan kiezen'

9/21/18: Business Standard (India): '10 years after 2008 crisis, there's no 'reforming' global capitalism'

9/24/18: EFSYN:  '«Ευρώπη, ήρθε η ώρα να τελειώσει η εξάρτηση από την ανάπτυξη!»'

9/24/18: NOS'Zorgen om ‘staatshasj’ bij coffeeshops én Kamerleden'

9/25/18: Yabiladi'Pays-Bas : Le haschich marocain s’invite à la Chambre basse'

10/8/18: Mondiaal News'Wat uw gemeente zelf doet, doet ze beter. 5 argumenten tegen privatiseringen'

10/13/18: Il Manifesto (behind paywall): 'Solidarietà sotto attacco, le responsabilità dell’Unione europea'

10/16/18: La Republica'Difensori della terra contro l'estrattivismo: nasce una rete internazionale'

10/17/18: CNN'Canada's legalization of marijuana could hurt farmers in poorer countries'

10/19/18: Politico: 'POLITICO EU Influence, presented by UNESDA, Soft Drinks Europe: Let’s (not) party! — The other election — Saudi links'

10/31/18: Business World (Philippines)'Where do Filipinos go'

11/6/18: Sahiel'Προσφυγικό: ποιοι είναι οι πραγματικοί «ωφελούμενοι»'

11/12/18: South China Morning Post'Green gold rush: Thailand, Malaysia race to legalise medical marijuana'

11/12/18: RT'Criminal war, poverty at the heart of European & US migration turmoil'

11/13/18: Newsweek'Where Will Weed Be Legal Next? Asian Countries Race Toward Cannabis Legalization'

11/13/18: Red Pepper 'Building walls: fear and securitization in the European Union'

11/9/18: European Business Express'Wall to Wall – Europe’s 1000 km Migrant Barriers'

11/9/18: Indpendent'The EU has built 1,000km of border walls since fall of Berlin Wall'

11/9/18: Le Vif'1000km de murs dans l'UE depuis la chute du mur de Berlin (infographie)'

11/9/18: Express'Depuis la chute du Mur de Berlin, l'Europe a érigé plus de 1.000 km de murs frontaliers'

11/9/18: Rotativo'Europa tiene cerca de mil kilómetros de muros para frenar la migración'

11/9/18: Sputnik news'Mauer reloaded: EU-Staaten errichten sechs neue „Berliner Mauern“'

11/20/18: Euractiv'EU institutions are liable for Greek bailout damage, former UN official says'

11/9/18: Osservatorio 'Muri in Europa: la paura dell’immigrazione costruisce mille km di barriere'

11/10/18: Il Messaggero: 'In Europa costruiti già 1000 km tra barriere, muri e recinzioni anti migranti'

11/11/18: SVD'Facit efter murens fall: 1 000 km nya murar i Europa'

11/16/18: Ottawa Citizen'Meet two uOttawa graduate students in Law who are now on the front lines of social justice'

11/16/18: Open Democracy: 'How Canada marijuana legalization impacts on Latin American drug policy?'

11/12/18: Вести'Таиланд и Малайзия рассматривают легализацию лекарственного каннабиса'