Taking Health Back from Corporations - Webinar recording


This webinar brought together experts in healthcare and activists at the forefront of struggles for equitable universal public healthcare from across the globe at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the necessity of a healthcare system driven by people rather than profit.


  • Susan George, Author and President of the Transnational Institute
  • Baba Aye, Health Officer, Public Services International
  • Mark Heywood, Treatment Action Campaign, Section27 and editor at the Daily Maverick
  • Kajal Bhardwaj, Independent lawyer and expert on health, trade and human rights
  • David Legge, Peoples Health Movement Moderator: Monica Vargas, Corporate Power Project, Transnational Institute

The webinar was organised by TNI and co-sponsored by the Alternative Information & Development Centre (AIDC), South Africa, Focus on the Global South, Asia, the People's Health Movement (PHM), Public Services International (PSI), RedLAM-Red Latinoamericoana Acceso a Medicamentos, ABIA-Brazilian AIDS Interdisciplinary Association, GTIP/Rebrip-Working Group on Intelectual Property, Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2), Corporate Accountability International (CAI), and Global Justice Now (GJN).