TNI fondly remembers Miguel Teubal

We at TNI are saddened to hear of the passing away of Miguel Teubal on January 19, 2021. Miguel was one of TNI's earliest fellows, serving for 23 years from 1976, and remained associated since.

La Politica Online/Juan Carlos Casas

Miguel Teubal

Miguel was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina as the son of an immigrant from Syria. He studied at Berkeley University of California obtaining a M.A. in economics and a Ph.D. in agricultural economics. Miguel was active in defending academic freedom in the wake of the military coup of 1966, and was one of the victims of the "Night of the Long Batons", being one of many who subsequently resigned their positions at the University of Buenos Aires in protest. This saw Miguel go into exile until the fall of the dictatorship in 1983 when he could resume his academic career in Argentina.

Miguel's more recent work concerned 'agro-extractivism'. He was a staunch critic of extractivism as the modern face of development, particularly dependence on (GMO) soya in Argentina's case. He wrote many books with his dear wife, Norma Giarracca (rural sociologist), who also recently passed away (see, as well as on his own (see

Though we lost touch with Miguel for a few years, he recently reconnected with us and was kindly preparing to assist with the TNI archives and our upcoming 50th anniversary in 2024 before he passed away.

We will remember his considered contributions to TNI and his devotion to the causes to which he dedicated himself.

Rest in peace