Informal Drug Policy Dialogue 2005, Budapest

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The second Informal Drug Policy Dialogue was co-hosted by the Department for Drug Strategic Affairs of the Hungarian Ministry of Youth, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. The two-day dialogue was focused on three themes: (1) harm reduction developments at the regional and UN level; (2) alternative development: dilemmas around coca and opium reduction efforts; and (3) preparations for the 2008 UNGASS review.

About informal drug policy dialogue 2005, budapest

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The first dialogue m eeting of the inform al dr ug policy dialogue, an initiative of the Andreas G. Papandreou Foundation (APF) and the Transnational Institute (TNI) took place in June 2004 at the Orthodox Academy of Crete.

On Friday 21 and Saturday 22 October 2005 the second meeting was held in Budapest, where the Department for Drug Strategic Affairs of the Ministry of Youth, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities generously provided hospitality and logistical support. As in 2004, the meeting was of an inform al nature.

The two-day dialogue was focused on three them es: (1) harm reduction developm ents at the regional and UN level; (2) alternative developm ent: dilem m a s around coca and opium reducti on efforts; and (3) preparations for the 2008 UNGASS review.

Participants had the opportun ity to exchange information and m a ke comments from their own perspective on developments in these policy areas. The aim was to come to workable suggestions and ideas that could be used in the ongoing debate. The meeting was guided by ‘Chatham House Rules’ , used to encourage both a free exchange of thoughts and confidentiality at meetings. Individual contributors therefore remain anonymous and some tactical discussion points have been left out. Besides being informal, the form at of the meeting was also as interactive as possible. For each section a number of people had been asked to provide inputs. They did not deliver full speeches, but rather a few introductory remarks to spark off the round-table discussion. Most of the time was devoted to an open discussion between all participants.