The future of Public Enterprises in Latin America and the World Synthesis report on international seminar in Montevideo

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An international seminar in Montevideo, co-organised by TNI and the Uruguayan government, shared the latest learning and innovation by state-owned enterprises across Latin America and affirmed their importance as instruments for economic and social development.

About the future of public enterprises in latin america and the world

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The international seminar Public' Enterprises:' Transformations,' Challenges' and' Opportunities, was held in Montevideo between October 29 and November 1, jointly organised by the Transnational  Institute  (TNI),  Uruguay’s General Directorate for Industrial Development (DNIGMIEM) and the National Telecommunications Administration (ANTEL).

The seminar had  422  participants and was structured around presentations delivered by more than  30 government officials, directors and technical staff of state-owned companies, trade unionists and academic researchers from various countries worldwide.

The seminar enabled the exchange of experiences and in-depth discussions on the significance and role of  public enterprises within the current context of change at regional and global levels. The three days of the seminar were marked by a general consensus about the positive nature of state-owned  enterprises  (SOEs)  , with reference to their performance in the provision of public services and in industrial  policy. 

Several examples of successful companies in Latin American  countries governed  by  left-of-centre  parties  or  movements—in  Argentina,  Brazil,  Bolivia, Ecuador,  Uruguay and Venezuela— as well as in Costa Rica —a country that currently has a conservative government but where the state has historically being a developmental force — were presented. The seminar also discussed the trajectory of public enterprises in Europe, Asia and North America, and their prospects in the current global crisis. 

Pages: 12