Barcelona Reader


Publication date:
Re-Asserting Control: Voluntary Return, Restitution and the Right to Land for IDPs and Refugees in Myanmar - cover

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Networked Politics
Barcelona seminar: an inquiry into political organisation in an era of movements and networks.
Cover and contents page [PDF] 1. General introduction to the inquiry and its four lines of reserch and outline of seminar programme [PDF] 2. The institutions line of inquiry [PDF]
  1. Elements of institutional crisis and transformation, by Joan Subirat
  2. Democracy, Citizens' Participation and Social Transformation, by Joan Subirat.
  3. Modernising Public Administration from the Left , by Quim Brugue
3. The movement line of inquiry [PDF]
  1. A first map of issues issues, by Macro Berlinguer
  2. Report of Bolgnia meeting, by Marco Berlinguer
  3. Problemas de la politica autonoma: pensando el pasaje de lo social a lo politico, by Ezequiel Adamovsky
  4. About networks (and social movements?) by Joan Subirats
  5. Networks, swarms, microstructures, by Brian Holmes
  6. Social forums and their margins: networking logistics and the cultural politics of autonomus space, by Jeffrey S. Juris
4. The political parties / representation line of inquiry [PDF]
  1. Rethinking political parties in an era of movements and networks, by Hilary Wainwright
  2. Brief report of Manchester workshop for the 'inquiry in rethinking political organisation in an era of movements and networks', by Hilary Wainwright
  3. Are there lessons to be learnt from the experience of the German green-alternative left?, by Frieder Otto Wolfe.
  4. The left parties in government: the Norwegian case, by.Asbjorn Wahl
  5. Lula's lament, by Hilary Wainwright
5. Techno-political tools line of inquiry [PDF]
  1. Hot issues/questions on techno-political tools by Mayo Fuster
  2. Free/Open sourced politics, starting points & proposals, by Jaume Naulart
  3. Cathcart's List : A brief review of current movements and trends in information politics, by Jamie King;
  4. The Dilemmas of an inevitable relationship: democratic innovation and the technologies of information and communication, by Joan Subirat