Revolutionary Rehearsals: Rhythms of Resistance in North Africa Webinar recording


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In the last decade, the North African region has witnessed momentous events from social justice struggles and mobilisations to massive uprisings and revolutions. The region is still a cauldron of resistance advancing demands of dignity, bread, social justice, freedom and sovereignty. 

In this 3rd webinar in the series ‘the Arab uprisings a decade on: Taking stock, Looking forward’, we will cover some of the second wave uprisings (2018-2021) in Algeria and Sudan and highlight some of the social and political struggles in Morocco in the last decade. We will also centre the decolonisation struggle of Western Sahara.


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  • Malia Bouattia is an Algerian activist, the former President of the UK National Union of Students, and a co-founder of the Students not Suspects/Educators not Informants Network. 
  • Sara Abbas is a Sudanese activist, feminist and political scientist. She is a PhD candidate at the Freie Universität Berlin.
  • Jalihenna Mohamed is a Saharawi activist and campaigner. He is the co-founder of Saharawi Campaign Against the Plunder of Natural Resources (SCAP). 
  • Meriam Mabrouk is a Moroccan activist and translator. She is a PhD candidate in Politics at Birkbeck, University of London 

Moderators: Miriyam Aouragh & Hamza Hamouchene.