A Global Green New Deal - Webinar recording
Publication date:
Richard Kozul-Wright (UNCTAD) and leading activists from across the globe share their perspectives on how we can build climate justice in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.

- Richard Kozul-Wright, Director of the Division on Globalization and Development Strategies at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, author of Transforming Economies: Making Industrial Policy Work for Growth, Jobs and Development
- Karin Nansen, chair of Friends of the Earth International, founding member of REDES – Friends of the Earth Uruguay
- Sandra van Niekerk, Researcher for the One Million Climate Jobs campaign, South Africa
- Asad Rehman, Executive Director of War on Want and Co-organiser of Global Green New Deal Campaign was due to speak, but had to withdraw at the last minute. In his place, David Adler of Progressive International briefly spoke about the new initiative to build an alliance of progressive forces in the wake of the pandemic.