A New Politics of Liberation TNI with Laura Flanders Show

A hundred years after the Russian Revolution of 1917 and almost ten years after the financial crisis, TNI brought together leading activists and researchers in South Africa to talk about alternatives to both soviet-style socialism and Wall Street style financial capitalism. This video produced by the Laura Flanders Show shares the voices and perspectives of those articulating an inspiring new politics.


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For the last couple of years, Laura has been part of an initiative promoted by TNI, and incorporating activists and organizers from all over the world in a conversation about what many are calling 'new politics'.

If the Russian Revolution is what factory workers and peasants came up with to challenge inequality under industrial capitalism and feudalism in the 19th Century. Social democracies and taxes and social programs what liberals came up with to tackle inequality under financial and corporate capitalism in the 20th century. What might activists in the 21st century come up with to move to a less exploitative, less extractive world where power is more equally shared? And what might the movements look like that take us there?