Leaked CETA interpretative declaration an utterly inadequate solution

The final draft of the joint interpretative declaration between the EU and Canada on the proposed free trade deal CETA has been leaked today.

The declaration was intended to help secure the signing [1] of the controversial CETA trade deal between the EU and Canada. It follows heavy civil society criticism and serious concerns expressed by the Austrian, Belgian, Polish, Hungarian, Slovenian and Irish governments and/or Parliaments. All European Member States must declare their final positions on the signing of CETA by October 11 [1].

Cecilia Olivet from the Transnational Institute slammed the declaration as “A hopelessly inadequate solution. The problem is with the content of the treaty itself not with the interpretation of what has been negotiated. The interpretative declaration fails to resolve a fundamental problem: the European Commission’s Investment Court System will not prevent dangerous attacks against regulations protecting the public interest and the environment. The European Commission should stop ignoring public opinion and call off the signing of CETA. There is an urgent need for a total reset of the way trade policy is being negotiated in the European Union”.

TNI will continue to campaign for the rejection of CETA, and together with over 120 civil society groups, sent a letter to the chancellor of Austria today to commend and support him in his rejection of CETA. TNI is preparing for a referendum in the Netherlands calling for the rejection of CETA in case the member states go ahead with ratification.

[1] The approval of CETA by the Trade Council is scheduled for 18 October and the signature at the EU-Canada summit on 27 October in Brussels.