Southeast Asian advocacy fellowship program on drug policy reform

We are calling for applications from those working in sectors related to drug policy in order to increase their understanding of international drug policy reform issues, to improve their advocacy skills, and to enhance their capacity in working with the media on drug policy.



See all the details, including how to apply in the pdf attached to this page


Eligible countries: The Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, China and Cambodia.

A two week program to take place between 10 - 25 June 2017 in Amsterdam and 2 - 14 July in London. The fellowship grants will cover travel, lodging and meals.

Fellowship objectives

The objectives of the fellowship are for the participants to:

  •  increase their knowledge of global drug policy reform issues;
  • increase their understanding of the international drug control system and conflicts with other United Nations priorities;
  • have awareness of the drug policy reform landscape and key figures within that movement;
  • establish link with relevant actors working in the drug policy field;
  • build and develop communication skills, including for media interviews, press releases, press databases, public speaking;
  • have an understanding of the tools for debate, to challenge anti-reform positions;
  • improve their confidence as drug policy advocates both through participation in the program and through ongoing support from the host organization.


Successful candidates will have a track-record of public engagement in human rights, law, or relevant government experience. ideally their work should intersect with the issue of drug policy and/or human rights. Priority will be given to these applicants. However we also welcome applications from those working in drug policy reform or another relevant field (e.g. public health) at the local, national and international levels.

Please note that before receiving the fellowship, finalists will be asked to present a letter from their employer agreeing to their two-week participation in the course. 

We are looking for candidates from the following countries:  The Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, China and Cambodia.

Applicants must have strong command of the English language to participate in the course. 


Applications open:  28 March 2017 Application due date: 18 April 2017 Selection: Successful applicants will receive a response by 1 May 2017