TNI and its Associates across the world stand in solidarity with Dr Kagarlitsky Statement from the Transnational Institute


We deplore the recent imprisonment in Moscow of world-renowned sociologist and public intellectual, Dr Boris Kagarlitsky, and the affront to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly that his conviction represents.


Declaration by

Transnational Institute

Dr Kagarlitsky is a longstanding Associate of the Transnational Institute. He was arrested on 30 September as he was about to give a lecture at the prestigious Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences MSSES - affectionately known as Shaninka in honour of its founder, another TNI Associate, Theodor Shanin.

On 1 October, Dr Kagarlitsky was sentenced to 10 days in prison. His crime was to post criticism of the recent Russian elections on facebook. He was charged with inciting people to join Communist Party protests at the rigging of the online voting results. See more here:

See an account of Dr Kagarlitsky's arrest and subsequent conviction here:

TNI and its Associates across the world stand in solidarity with Dr Kagarlitsky, as well as all others being oppressed for defending democratic rights in Russia.

Amsterdam, 5 October 2021