Climate Crisis Varied perspectives and grassroots solutions in focus

Topic category

Energy and Environment

In the face of the undeniable climate crisis, there is a growing consensus that immediate action is imperative. Yet, the path forward is increasingly fraught with differing opinions on how to combat this global challenge. At TNI, we approach this crisis from a multidimensional perspective, capitalising on decades of in-depth research and analysis, and leveraging the wisdom gained from global grassroots movements. Our conviction lies in the belief that real solutions emerge from the ground up, where indigenous communities, peasant farmers, fisher peoples, and workers worldwide hold the key to a transformative future. By embracing these local insights, we can usher in a new era of interconnectedness, redefining our relationship with one another and the planet.


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A few ideas that could save the planet


We are in a climate crisis. About this there seems to be broad consensus. But, there is more and more divergence around what must be done to stop it.  We’ve seen more and more supposed solutions to the climate crisis gaining attention. 

35:20 minutes - Listen


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