Nick Buxton Knowledge Hub Coordinator

Our people — Staff member

Nick Buxton is knowledge hub coordinator for TNI and an experienced communications consultant, researcher and publications editor. 

Nick Buxton

Contact Nick Buxton

Nick oversees TNI's work on emerging issues such as digitalisation and also does research on border politics, climate change, militarism and economic justice. He is founder and chief editor of TNI's flagship annual publication, State of Power, which has run since 2012. He was co-editor of the influential book, The Secure and the Dispossessed - How the military and corporations are seeking to shape a climate-changed world (Pluto Press, 2015).   His published work includes “Politics of debt” in Dignity and Defiance: Bolivia’s challenge to globalisation (University of California Press/Merlin Press UK, January 2009) and "Debt Cancellation and Civil society" in Fighting for Human Rights (Routledge, 2004).  A dual US-UK citizen, he is currently based in California but has also lived for a number of years in UK, Bolivia, Pakistan and India.