Kees Biekart Contributor

Kees Biekart is Associate Professor in Political Sociology at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands). His research focuses on social movements, civil society, civic agency and civic-driven change. He also works on participatory action research methods.

Kees Biekart
Before coming to ISS, Kees worked as a research coordinator at TNI working on Central American NGOs and peasant movements. He obtained his MA in International Relations (1989) and his PhD in Political Science (1999) at the University of Amsterdam. His research largely focuses on Latin America, but in recent years – triggered by MA and PhD supervisions - also on Africa and Asia. He also is involved in facilitating Participatory Action Research skills. His current research focuses on civic agency. With Alan Fowler he edited the Open Access volume A Research Agenda for Civil Society (Elgar, 2022), also including a chapter by TNI Associate David Sogge. For publications and other information see: