Civic Driven Change - A concise guide to the basics


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This short booklet introduces new ideas about how civil society is taking charge in guiding development by taking key roles in society to respond to the most pressing issues the world faces such as poverty, injustice, conflict and environmental degradation.

About civic driven change - a concise guide to the basics

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This short booklet introduces new ideas about how civil society is taking charge in guiding development by taking key roles in society to respond to the most pressing issues the world faces such as poverty, injustice, conflict and environmental degradation. The authors highlight the special characteristics and elements of the approaches and problem-solving used and led by citizens. A concise guide to the basics emerges from the initiative of an international core group of practitioners and critical analysts which came together to ask: What would a citizen-centered story of change in society look like? In the effort to share knowledge and stimulate discussion about civic action and drivers as a distict approach to social change within and beyond the aided-developmetn community, the guide aims at both provide the major characteristics of civic driven change (CDC) as conceived by the core group, and to place CDC within the current debates on mainstream development thinking.