Iran in the crosshairs How to prevent Washington\'s next war

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>>Download full report - PDF (1.88MB) As George W. Bush’s administration enters its last year in office, the danger of a US military attack on Iran looms. Widening opposition to the illegal Iraq War, growing recognition that the war in Afghanistan has failed to bring stability or democracy to that beleaguered country, new tensions rising in Pakistan, escalating violence and humanitarian crisis in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, all have brought new fears but also heightened interest in the wider Middle East region, especially interest in Iran. It is to address this new and renewed interest in Iran, to answer questions, and propose some ideas to prevent another looming disaster, that this pamphlet is designed.

>Introduction Chapter One: The Current Crisis
  1. Is Iran a threat to the United States?
  2. Does Iran have nuclear weapons or a nuclear weapons program
  3. What about Iran's support for terrorism?
  4. Is Iran a threat to Israel?
  5. Is Iran fomenting a nuclear arms race in the Middle East?
  6. What about International Law? Is Iran in violation? Is the United States?
  7. What might happen the day after a U.S. military strike on Iran?
Chapter Two: A Short History of Recent U.S.-Iran Relations
  1. What has Iran done to the United States?
  2. What has the United States done to Iran?
  3. Why is the United States so concerned about Iran?
  4. What does Iran have to do with the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq?
Chapter Three: Alternatives to War—What Do We Do?
  1. Who says "Don't attack Iran?"
  2. Do U.S. sanctions against Iran work? What are the costs?
  3. Why is there still a danger of the U.S. attacking Iran?
  4. Is diplomacy possible?
  5. What should—and what could—U.S. relations with Iran look like?
  6. What role does Congress have in stopping or approving any military action against Iran?
  7. What can be done to prevent a war with Iran?
Appendix Endnotes Recommended Books Recommended Articles/Reports/Documents