Transnational Capital vs People's Resistance

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How does transnational capital function? Where does it operate? What globalised logic does it follow? What is the magnitude of its abuses and its social, economic and environmental irresponsibility? And what challenge do we see emerge for us, the people?


About transnational capital vs people's resistance

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This special edition of ALAI’s “Latin America in Movement” magazine examines in great detail how transnational capital functions: the sectors it operates in, the globalised logic it follows, the structure of its promiscuous relations with public authorities at all levels, the magnitude of its abuses and its social, economic and environmental irresponsibility. In the following pages, the scope of its power and the challenge we, the people, have before us emerge very clearly.


Towards a Systemic Response to Transnationalized Capital
Gonzalo Berron & Brid Brennan

Curbing the Corporations: Who? How? When?
Susan George

Transnational Corporations
Alejandro Teitelbaum

Lex Mercatoria : New Global Corporate Law
Juan Hernandez Zubizarreta

The Green Economy and Corporations
Lyda Fernanda Forero & Lucia Ortiz

Corporate Capture of the European Union
Olivier Hoedeman

Fight for Our Future: The Time for Food Sovereignty is Now!
Henry Saragih

TNCs and the Extractive Industries
David Fig

Resistance in the Oilfields of Nigeria
Nnimmo Bassey

Canada's Modern Day
Pizarros Richard Girard and Jennifer Moore

Pharmaceutical TNCs Rewrite National Laws
Renata Reis

Struggles for the Right to Water
Satoko Kishimoto

Europe: The Defence of Water as a Commons
Tommaso Fattori

Asia: Water Citizenship, Democracy and Resistance
Mary Ann Manahan

In the Defence of Water: The Rising Tide in the Americas
Marcela Olivera

Energy and the World Bank+20
Pablo Bertinat

A Threat to Global Financial Stability
Sarah Anderson & Manuel Pérez-Rocha

Investment Agreements: a Key Component of TNC impunity
Cecilia Olivet

Pages: 40