TNI in 2014: an interactive account Ideas into Movement

Evan Clayburg


Dear friends and supporters of TNI,

I am very proud to present Transnational Institute's annual report for 2014: Ideas into Movement

We built on the success of last year's interactive online report - with new features this year including an interactive map, powerful testimonies about the significance of our work, as well as a printable PDF option for those who prefer to have something to hand. We are proud of how the annual report looks and hope you like it too.

The title of our report, Ideas into Movement, is our new organisational strapline. It embodies our ethos that ideas combined with the power of social movements can change history. I think TNI's 2014 report shows that as our work helped win a UN resolution in favour of a binding treaty on Transnational Companies, continued the domino effect against the war on drugs, and put trade and investment agreements at the top of the international policy agenda. In 2014, we also celebrated 40 years since TNI was founded. We were overwhelmed by the warm, supportive and passionate appreciation from every corner of the globe for our work in those four decades. They all affirmed how important TNI's contribution has been and continues to be in the struggle for social and environmental justice.
Enjoy the report and let us know what you think by emailing If you think TNI's work is important and would like to support us in the future, please consider making a one-off or regular donation to TNI by visiting our support page. Your work will help us ensure that the victories of the last 40 years are built on in years to come.

Thanks in advance for your support

Fiona Dove,
Executive Director

Read the annual report