Informal Drug Policy Dialogue 2008, Berlin

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The fifth informal drug policy dialogue took place in Berlin in cooperation with the German Federal Health ministry. The principal focus of the meeting was the UNGASS review process, the Political Declaration to be adopted at the next CND meeting in March 2009 and future goals in international drug policy.

Sobre informal drug policy dialogue 2008, berlin

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The fifth meeting of the drug policy dialogue , an initiative of the Andreas G Papandreou Foundation and the Transnational Institute, took place in the NH Hotel Alexanderplatz in Berlin from 9-11 October 2008. Previous meetings had been held in Crete in June 2004, in Budapest in October 2005, in Bern in November 2006 and in Rome in November 2007.

As on previous occasions, the meeting was of an informal nature, and was guided by Chatham House rules to encourage a free exchange of thoughts and confidentiality. Individual contributors are therefore not quoted, nor are their identity or affiliation revealed without their express permission. Individuals were invited to provide inputs but set speeches were avoided, and most of each session was devoted to an open discussion between all participants.

The meeting was intended as a forum for dialogue, not for decision-making. Within each session, devoted to a specific theme, individual contributions were provided on the situation in a particular country or region, and on how these experiences could be reflected in policy-making at a broader level.

The principal focus of the meeting was the UNGASS review process, the Political Declaration to be adopted at the next CND m eeting in March 2009 and future goals in international drug policy. Discussion also t ook place on the outcom e s of the five Working Groups held between June and Septem ber as part of the period of “global reflection” and the preparations for the high level segment to be held on the first two days of the 52 nd CND session from 11-20 March 2009. This will be an important occasion, as it will provide an opportunity for Mem b er States to create a more effective drug policy for the coming years.