Shifting Power Reader Critical Perspectives on Emerging Economies

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The economic rise of China, India, Brazil and others has prompted plenty of speculation about its implications for US power and global governance. But what does the rise of these nations mean for social movements committed to economic, social and environmental justice? This Reader pulls together a series of working papers.

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Does the emergence of a multipolar global order open up policy space for alternative economic visions and pose a necessary challenge to a US and Northern-dominated global order? Or might it instead reinvigorate capitalism and exploitation by a new constellation of corporate elites?

How should social movements respond in a way that embraces needed changes to the post-colonial status quo yet supports communities struggles against the impacts of land grabbing, environmental destruction and rising inequality, this time perpetuated by emerging economy governments?

Transnational Institute’s (TNI) Shifting Power Working Paper Series seeks to help movements navigate our changing multipolar world as well as provide an invaluable source of alternative analysis for students, analysts and journalists.