The Anti-Development State The Political Economy of Permanent Crisis in the Philippines



Fecha de publicación:
The Anti-Development State provides a convincing, if painful, explanation why the Philippines is mired in poverty at the beginning of the 21st century, and proposes a route out of the quagmire.

Sobre the anti-development state

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This book examines how the political system of the Phillippines remains dominated by a competitive elite who oppose any significant attempts to address the country's huge social inequalities. The way out, argue the authors, is through the wholesale overhaul of the system of governance, leading to a new development strategy based on more, not less, state intervention, the domestic market as the driver of growth, and working together with other countries in the South.


"Though the book may be too harsh in its judgement of some welt-meaning economic managers of the country, it does argue convincingly that the markets and the private sector need to be governed, and they cannot in any way substitute for bad governance and irresponsible government."
- Joseph Lim, Bureau for Development Policy, UNDP and former Professor, UP School of Economics

"In shining their spotlight on the Philippines, Bello and his associates illuminate the quagmire of the elite democracy ushered in by 'people power'. And they do so with verve and insight. Globally renowned as a scholar and activist on globalization and peace, Bello is clearly one of today's great critical minds."
- Robin Braad, Associate Professor, School of International Studies, American University.

"This book offers a powerful indictment of the neoliberal economic policies pursued in the Philippines since the overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos. The authors make. a straightforward but compelling argument: the main obstacle to braad-based development has rot been too much state intervention in the economy, but rather too much inequality in the distribution of wealth and power."
- James K. Boyce, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.