Challenging Empire People, Governments and the UN Defy US Power


Fecha de publicación:

Foreword by Danny Glover
Arris Books, January 2006

Sobre challenging empire people, governments and the un defy us power

Tipo de publicación


When millions around the world marched to protest the Iraq war and the US drive towards empire, the New York Times dubbed global public opinion "the second super-power". What empowered those protests was their alliance - if only for a brief moment - with governments unexpectedly willing to stand up to US pressure, and with the United Nations itself, when it followed its Charter's command to stop "the scourge of war". Bennis tracks the rise of US unilateralism and the doctrine of preemptive war, looking particularly at Iraq and Israel/Palestine, and examines both the potential and the challenges ahead in reclaiming the UN as part of the global peace movement.


  • Introduction
  • The movement
  • Governments
  • The UN
  • Intersections