Publications on Pinochet and the Letelier case

TNI and other publications on the assassination of Orlando Letelier and the Pinochet regime.



The Condor Years
How Pinochet and His Allies Brought Terrorism to Three Continents

Roger Burbach
The New Press, February 2004


The Pinochet Affair
State Terrorism and Global Justice

Roger Burbach
TNI/Zed Books, August 2003


Light Among Shadows
A Celebration of Orlando Letelier, Ronni Karpen Moffitt, and Heroes of the Human Rights Movement

Edited by Scott Williams
IPS, Washington DC, 2001


Orlando Letelier: Testimonio y vincicación
Joan E. Garcés and Saul Landau (editors)
Siglo XXI, MexicoMadrid, 1995


El Vientre del Condor
Del Archivo del Terror al Caso Berríos

Samuel Blixen
Ediciones de Brecha, 1994


Assassination on Embassy Row
John Dinges and Saul Landau, IPS-TNI Fellow
Pantheon Books, New York, 1980


De ABN en Chili
De steun die een Nederlandse bank sinds 1977 aan Pinochet verleent"
[The "General Bank of the Netherlands" and Chile
On the support given by a Dutch bank since 1977 to Pinochet]
TNI/Chile Committee/MOL, August 1980


They Educated the Crows
An Institute Report on the Letelier-Moffitt Murders

Saul Landau
TNI, 1978


Orlando Letelier and Ronni Karpen Moffitt
Saul Landau et al (eds)
TNI Pamphlet 5, 1977


The International Economic Order
Orlando Letelier and Michael Moffitt
TNI Pamphlet 2, 1977


Chile: Economic "Freedom" and Political Repression
Orlando Letelier
TNI Pamphlet 1, 1976


The Lessons of Chile
The Chilean Coup and the Future of Socialism

Edited by John Gittings
TNI/Spokesmanbooks, 1975