EU crisis infographics For a European Spring

Fecha de publicación:

Why are those responsible for the EU crisis profiting from it? Why are the same policies that caused the crisis being used to resolve it? An infographic expose of the EU crisis, its causes and its social impacts.

Sobre eu crisis infographics

Tipo de publicación


The Great European Fire Sale

A visual overview of privatisation of public services and assets enforced on crisis countries by the European Commission and European Central Bank. And the popular resistance movements to defend public services that have emerged as a result.


Profit and Loss infographics cover Profits and Loss in the EU crisis

Politicians like to argue that we are 'all in it together' when it comes to austerity measures but there are definitely winners and losers in the current Euro crisis.

The Great European Fire Sale

The Great European Fire Sale

A visual overview of privatisation of public services and assets enforced on crisis countries by the European Commission and European Central Bank. And the popular resistance movements to defend public services that have emerged as a result.
> See interactive map close-up
> Read report 'Privatising Europe'





Coordinator: Nick Buxton
Research: George Draffan, Joseph Zacune
Design: Ricardo Santos

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