Civic Driven Change Citizen's Imagination in Action


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The Civic Driven change Initiative is a recent thinking and debating process to explore and communicate a perspective of change in societies that stems from citizens rather than states or markets. The initiative is meant to kick-start a public debate about and beyond aided-development.

About civic driven change

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The Civic Driven change Initiative is a recent thinking and debating process to explore and communicate a perspective of change in societies that stems from citizens rather than states or markets. The initiative is meant to kick-start a public debate about and beyond aided-development. The civic Driven Change initiative stems from a conviction that local to global problems need a wider range of solutions than states or businesses can provide. It is therefore necessary to fill a gap in existing stories about change in society that are dominated by governments and the market place. In these stories, citizens are allocated roles as participants, clients, or producers and consumers of economic and political goods and services. The force of citizens exercising civi and other rights, self-organising and acting with their own volition to change society, is often obscured and subordinated.