
An overview of articles by TNI experts, staff, and associates.

  1. Open call for papers: Critical Agrarian Studies in the 21st Century (CLOSED) 10-12 October College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agricultural University Beijing, China

    • Food Sovereignty
    • Land Sovereignty
    • Agroecology
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    Open call by
    Journal of Peasant Studies
    Publication date:
  2. Call for essays on energy for State of Power 2024 report

    • State of Power
    • Energy Democracy
    • Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
    • Just Transition
    Open call by
    Nick Buxton
    Publication date:
  3. The double burden of ‘post-covid economic stresses’ and ‘military coup’ Sharing a survey study on the post-coup socio-economic impact of the women and working peoples from peri-urban areas

    • Myanmar Commentary
    • Crisis in Political Transition
    Publication date:
  4. La Via Campesina –transforming agrarian and knowledge politics, and co-constructing a field A laudatio

    Food Sovereignty
    Article by
    Jun Borras
    Publication date:
  5. Willful Blindness: INCB Can Find Nothing Good to Say on Cannabis Legalisation

    • UN Drug Control
    • Drugs Regulation
    • Cannabis
    • Drug Law Reform
    Article by
    • Tom Blickman
    • Martin Jelsma
    • John Walsh
    • David Bewley-Taylor
    Publication date:
  6. Fossil-fuel treaty quakes as civil society coalition scores victory after victory The death knell has sounded for the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)

    • Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
    • Free Trade Agreements
    Article by
    • Niels Jongerius
    • Lucía Bárcena
    Publication date:
  7. Position Paper on the Rights to Customary Land and Practice Systems in Myanmar Essentials to consider for a Federal Democratic country

    Land Policy in Myanmar
    Publication date:
  8. The Future is Public! The Global Reclaiming and Democratization of Public Ownership Beyond the Market

    Article by
    • Daniel Chavez
    • Lavinia Steinfort
    Publication date:
  9. The Internationalism of Mike Davis

    Article by
    Tom Reifer
    Publication date:
  10. German cannabis regulation on thin ice The government’s risky approach to international legal obstacles puts the entire project in jeopardy

    Article by
    Martin Jelsma
    Publication date: