The Military, Corporations & Climate Change by KWMR Post Carbon Radio

With the Trump administration denying climate change and de-fanging the EPA, what is the US military thinking - and planning to do? Can their power and influence help the climate movement succeed? Who will be protected, who will be neglected, who will suffer, and who will pay, if the military get their way? What about the intelligence agencies? What are the consequences of viewing climate change through the lens of national security? Is there a better way?


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We interview Nick Buxton, co-editor of ‘The Secure and the Dispossessed: How the Military and Corporations are Shaping a Climate-Changed World’, and will discuss the themes of his new book. Buxton is a communications consultant, activist and researcher based at the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam. Join us on Post-Carbon Radio Monday at 1 pm for an informed dive into the points of convergence and conflict between two of the most important issues of our time.

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