The Transnational Institute supports the Global Climate Strike And the march and demonstration in The Hague on 27 September.


The climate crisis is a manifestation of the systemic, capitalist crisis. We demand governments tackle the climate crisis by ending corporate power, facilitated by the trade and investment regime, that has long destroyed livelihoods and communities.

This corporate impunity has led to the wholesale looting of the biosphere, authoritarian responses and worsening social, political and environmental conflicts, particularly in the Global South.

Flickr/Tommi Boom/CC BY-SA 2.0

We support the voices of social movements who reject market-based solutions to the climate and environmental emergency.

We urge the rich and powerful to acknowledge and pay their historical and ecological debt with countries that have been plundered for raw materials and labour, and are bearing the brunt of extreme weather events.

We advocate for a democratic and public-led just transition that restores our ecosystems and ensures reparations for impacted communities and workers. This means uniting people's struggles against capitalism, imperialism, patriarchy and white supremacy.

In solidarity and around the world, we need to promote land reform, food sovereignty, feminist economy and agroecology.

We support people’s demands for laws and policies that recognize reproductive work and respect self-determination.

We call for the building of publicly owned services, democratic energy systems and ecologically-sound industries.

We need system change not climate change.

Some of us will be joining local actions led by young people fighting for their future and others will be continuing our daily work on building a just, democratic and sustainable world.

For more reading on these topics: