TNI year by year

Chronology of highlights of TNI's work year by year: click on the date for a full summary.

Memorial procession Orlando Letelier

1963 The first year: The Institute for Policy Studies, which began operation in October, 1963, was established because of the need for an independent center of research and education on public policy problems in Washington.

 1964 to 1971: IPS plays a major role in resisting Vietnam War.

 1972: Meeting in Paris at La Closerie des Lilas to explore possibilities and discuss the ideas for a TNI in Europe. Samuel Rubin, Peter Weiss, Richard Barnet and Marcus Raskin come over from the US to present their ideas.

 1973: TNI opens in Paulus Potterstraat 20 in Amsterdam. IPS marks ten years

 1974: TNI holds first conference, "The lessons from Chile".

1975: Start of IPS Transnational Links, published ten times a year. Seminars on feminism, US-Latin American relations,and healthcare and projects started on New International Economic Order and the Third World.

 1976: Orlando Letelier, Defence/Foreign Minister in Chile during President Allende's government and ambassador to the US, is appointed director of TNI and begins a major program to promote the New International Economic Order.

 1977: TNI/CIS report on the uprising in BLACK SOUTH AFRICA EXPLODES is the only detailed account of events in South Africa since the uprising, which began, June 1976, in Soweto.

 1978: International conference on 'Transnational Corporations held in Amsterdam becomes founding Conference of Transnational Information Exchange (TIE).

 1979: TNI Fellow John Berger publishes PIG EARTH, the first volume of the trilogy chronicling the gradual global disappearance of peasant societies.

 1980: Out of the Women's projects of TNI emerges an autonomous feminist-socialist action group, DOMITILA, International Solidarity between Women, which aims to raise consciousness of women in the Netherlands concerning the struggle of women for independence and self-determination.

 1981: Conference, organised by TNI fellow Mary Kaldor and TNI associate Dan Smith, with the Appeal for European Nuclear Disarmament (END), where researchers examine proposals for disarmament, non-alignment and new forms of defense.

1982: TNI organises a major conference, 'European Parliamentary Conference on South African Destabilisation Efforts', for parliamentarians in The Hague, where government ministers from Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Angola deliver briefings on the South African government's economic and military destabilisation of their nations.

 1983: TNI Fellows' Meeting on "Multinationals and International Finance", "Third World Projects" and "Militarism and Disarmament". IPS at 20 years

 1984: In the frame of TNI's Central America Project, 600 signatures of European politicians and parliamentarians are publicised, expressing a strong disagreement with the Reagan Administration's policy on Nicaragua.

 1985: TNI organises tour throughout Europe with COMadres, a group of Salvadoran women of the Committee of Mothers and relatives of political prisoners, disappeared and murdered of El Salvador.

 1986: Ariane van Buren is appointed as the new TNI director. Debt project is established by Jan Joost Teunissen.

 1987: TNI produces a report, two workshops and a parliamentary delegation to the Philippines to encourage a shift in European policy to support Philippine democracy.

 1988: TNI organises historic New Detente Conference, based on dialogue between East and West. Susan George launches new book, Fate Worse Than Debt.

 1989: TNI organises series of debates on 'The Technological Culture'.

 1990: TNI/Pluto Press book After the Wall, edited by Hilary Wainwright, is a record of one of the first post-Cold War meetings of activists from the two halves of Europe.

 1991: TNIdeas magazine second and third issue published, including critical analysis of the US war on Iraq.

 1992: TNI holds fellows meetings on "Reinventing the Commons" and "Development as Myth".

 1993: TNI's work with peasant organisations deepens, with a research project, conference and European tour of peasant leaders to share the perspectives of the agricultural sector in Central America in relation to Europe and its agricultural policies.

 1994: TNI fellows meeting on alternatives to the Washington Consensus in the Global South.

 1995: TNI publishes several books including The Next Threat: Western Perceptions of Islam, edited by Jochen Hippler and Andrea Lueg, which debunks the myths about the nature of Islam and Islamic movements.

 1996: TNI develops work on trade issues, and publishes two books: one on the Non-Proliferation Treaty and one on private foreign aid.

1997: TNI organises seminar on Asia Europe Relations in the Light of the Southeast Asian Financial Crisis

 1998: Asia Europe People's Forum (AEPF) II held in London, England.

 1999: First TNI director (1973-75) professor Eqbal Ahmad passes away. TNI's work on drug policies, Burma and Bretton Woods' Institutions deepens. TNI holds 25th anniversary Festival of Ideas.

 2000: TNI holds series of meetings on climate change and equity as part of its Energy Project and highlight the costs of the war on drugs, particularly in Colombia.

2000 up to today: See TNI's annual reports